Mineral water has been one of the interesting and fascinating phenomena that are considered in terms of tourism and medicine. Due to the geological characteristics, Azerbaijan is one of the main centers of mineral and warm water in Iran. Many special properties of mineral springs have been used by people and locals for many years. There are many hot and cold mineral springs around Maragheh in the rural area that have therapeutic aspects and are visited by many tourists every day. Ghare Palchigh Spring in Maragheh is located on the slope of Mount Senjan. Ghare Palchigh in local language means black mud and the high amount of silica and CO2 gas represents that how deep the source of water could be. Ghare Palchigh Spring in Maragheh is considered as kinds of springs with a high level of calcium carbonate. Bathing in this mineral spring has sedative effects and relieves neurologic and rheumatic pains.  Using Ghare Palchigh Spring can increase excretion of various substances through the urinary system.